We have arrived (in Guangzhou)
I have arrived - Yup - I have been here twelve days and YESTERDAY I found beers for 7 RMB – again – 10 RMB’s = $1.25 – so I am thinking this is home!!!
We are at the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou – we are on the last leg of this incredible journey. We have seen so much here.
Yesterday we went to the zoo – We saw lions and tigers and bears (oh my) we saw a panda -kinda dull after all the hype -actually a bit of a let down, he looked all hot and bothered just like all the people looking at him! We saw vultures, ostriches and hippos and elephants. They had bumper cars that of course I was swindled into playing on - with my new friend Julian (he is 8 and a new big brother) Not only did we go once but twice - and these things were old school - not the new once that meet "safety regulations" or anything silly like that!! My neck may never be the same again - It looks like I might have to find time in the schedule for a spa trip - Hey if it must be done - it must be done.
It was nice for a change to have people check out the animals in the zoo and not be staring at Sheila and me. Sheila's even been asked to be in someone's wedding photos - WE STAND OUT! But like I said for the afternoon - we blended. That ended quickly when I went to KFC for sodas – it took 2 seconds to order a coke – My friend Julian was in the taxi waiting for me (at 6 cents a mile you can have them wait while you go get sodas) - it took like 6 people and 4 minutes to order a Sprite – after MUCH negotiations – Julian ended up with a Coke too!
Yesterday we flew here - Lily did great on the flight - we walked the row for a bit and then we sat with some very cute little old Chinaman - (He looked oddly like dad) and Lily loved him - he entertained us for a long time - We feel all brave now after our one hour flight that our 11 hour flight is going to be a breeze - No worries - we still have the Valium for emergencies. :)
We are doing great I have taught Lily her first song and dance - It's called the "i wanna be like Ger" dance - she really digs it - She is now the hippest baby in the hotel! :) Sheila hasn't learned all the steps yet! BUT I'M TRYING! :)
We are at the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou – we are on the last leg of this incredible journey. We have seen so much here.
Yesterday we went to the zoo – We saw lions and tigers and bears (oh my) we saw a panda -kinda dull after all the hype -actually a bit of a let down, he looked all hot and bothered just like all the people looking at him! We saw vultures, ostriches and hippos and elephants. They had bumper cars that of course I was swindled into playing on - with my new friend Julian (he is 8 and a new big brother) Not only did we go once but twice - and these things were old school - not the new once that meet "safety regulations" or anything silly like that!! My neck may never be the same again - It looks like I might have to find time in the schedule for a spa trip - Hey if it must be done - it must be done.
It was nice for a change to have people check out the animals in the zoo and not be staring at Sheila and me. Sheila's even been asked to be in someone's wedding photos - WE STAND OUT! But like I said for the afternoon - we blended. That ended quickly when I went to KFC for sodas – it took 2 seconds to order a coke – My friend Julian was in the taxi waiting for me (at 6 cents a mile you can have them wait while you go get sodas) - it took like 6 people and 4 minutes to order a Sprite – after MUCH negotiations – Julian ended up with a Coke too!
Yesterday we flew here - Lily did great on the flight - we walked the row for a bit and then we sat with some very cute little old Chinaman - (He looked oddly like dad) and Lily loved him - he entertained us for a long time - We feel all brave now after our one hour flight that our 11 hour flight is going to be a breeze - No worries - we still have the Valium for emergencies. :)
We are doing great I have taught Lily her first song and dance - It's called the "i wanna be like Ger" dance - she really digs it - She is now the hippest baby in the hotel! :) Sheila hasn't learned all the steps yet! BUT I'M TRYING! :)
Hi Mary Ellen:
Glad you guys are on your last leg of the trip in Guangzhou. Note: You have tried the RMB7 beer, let's see if you can find some for RMB2 (sometimes on promotion). Have a great trip back and looking forward to see the Lily in SF. Damian
Anonymous, at 9:27 AM
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