Day 2

Hello All!!
We (Sheila and I) have made it through day one!! Yae-ha!! As you have seen from previous pictures - Our baby is the cutest! Come on!! she is beautiful and right now she is sleeping - that makes her even cuter.
Recap from earlier in the week:
We went on yet another plane heading to Nanchang – This is where I became a YEE YEE!! I was a mess on the plane – But I was trying to hold it together! But it was just out of control!! These other parents were so excited – they haven’t slept or eaten correctly in 3 days – It has made them a VERY easy audience! They thought I was hysterical – and we haven’t even gone out for a drink yet!
Monday we went to the Forbidden City – Holy Moly it is HUGE – something like 70 hectors – and a Hector is 100 square acres (or so I’ve been told) All I know it is Bigger then South Fork from “Dallas”! It was so cool – I felt like Mulan – I did a bit of the Donny Osmond song from the Disney movie for some locals but I think it was lost on them. But heck, I made 100 yen!
Then we finish the tour in TIAN AN MEN SQUARE!! Again – it was mind blowing!! I could not believe I was there. I had a look of shock and childhood wonder on my face – HENCE the reason I was FLOCKED by peddlers – No joke like 8 of them – I was the weakest one in the herd (It was worse than being attacked by a 100 fish at one time) – Sheila blew right through and saved herself – Maryellen was just oblivious to it all, I was left to my own demise – I fought them off bravely – I ended up buying only a waving Mao watch – something for my next Republican Ladies Luncheon.
As we sat there on the plane in the crazy shamrock shirts - Yup the Briscoe Girls blending in China – I realized my next entry –I would be an AUNT!! Just 4 hours to go!! Then she’s all ours – FOREVER!!! No deposit – no return!
Gotcha Day was overwhelming - There were 8 families in one room all waiting for their little girls and then they just came in - It was wild - There was screaming and crying and maddness - and that was just the Briscoes - One baby was cuter then the next - Then they handed them over and then you got to take her to your room - Yup - all in about 6 minutes - It was just overwhelming!! I THINK I got it on video - But I have no idea -
Our little princess was the only one that didn't cry -= She just checked us all out and then smiled!! She is really happy - Man - if she only knew what was in store for her - she'd never stop smiling!! Maryellen is a great Mom already - she was sleeping and Lily started to cry and I unfortunatly was in the path between her and the crib - lets just say that won't happen again! :)
Well like I said - we now have her - and she is great - Both her and Maryellen are sleeping at the moment - Sheila and I are chillin' as the world's greatest Aunts! We might head on down to the spa next where there is a hour treatment for $8.00! Rock On!
- It is unreal how poor some of the people are here - this trip has made my condo look like a palace - Not just the size - But what is in it and the fact that it is just ME! Here a family of 5 could live there and be really happy - we really are a world away.
We will update soon - Love from all Briscoes!
Best regards from NY!
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