Jade Shamrocks

Friday, July 18, 2008

4th of July

Parade ready. Thanks, Aunt Sheila for the dress.

The big excitement this week (of the 4th) was that Lily learned how to pronounce an L. This is a big deal for a Lily :D

A New Love

A Wednesday off with no agenda. I decided to bring Lily to a nearby stable I had noticed. She likes horses (haw-sies) and we'd agreed that when she's 8 she's going to ride a white one and Mamma rides a bown one. We were just going to look, but she was adamant about touching them. I finally gave in to the pony ride. She was. . . not excited . . . more than that. Beaming from inside. Doing what she was meant to do. I'd never seen this mix of excitement, joy and pride before. A special few moments. It will be interesting to see if it was the "something new" or the horseback riding.