One year later!

May 17th is our one year anniversary together! I'm amazed at how much my little bundle that could not sit up by herself has changed. Above is the referral picture I received last March, and early picture with Grandma and now.
Looks aren't all that's changed. I just threw on a white shirt. She walked out of my room with a different shirt for me (this one I really don't like -but keep because she does.) She motioned that I should but it on. "you don't like the one I have on?" and I got the scrunched face head shake. I knew it wouldn't be long before I couldn't pick you HER outfits - but thought I might make it to kindergarten before she cared what Mama was wearing!! Yikes!
We're happy to share this event with 8 awesome families. I thought it would be fun see the referral pictures of our Fu girls and a picture of them now. I'm still gathering them, and hope to have them up by the weekend.